Monday, February 11, 2013

The Unfading Beauty of a Gentle & Quiet Spirit...

Once you get to know me, you know that when it comes to home decor everything has to be just perfect! We recently moved into a new home in which my daughter Adele will have her own bathroom (for the time being at least). I wanted her to have something special in there and I happened to stumble across this Bible verse on Pinterest: It is not fancy hair, gold jewelry or fine clothes that should make you beautiful. Instead, it should be that of you inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight. -1 Peter 3:3-4.

What a perfect message for a little girl to grow up reading - especially in today's world!

In designing the prints, I decided to spread it across three 5x7s. I chose teal, hot pink and lime green to match the colors in her bathroom. Once I had the designs the way I wanted them, I actually printed them at Wal-Mart as mounted photos. I love the finished result!

I was so happy with it, I listed it in my Etsy shop. Also, as a special gift to my blog readers, use the coupon code BEAUTY at checkout to get 10% off your purchase of these adorable prints! As always, I'm happy to customize colors.


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